I'm not sure what generations you naysayers are from, but all of us in college would love a light rail mass transit system down the line. We understand that it's going to take decades to build and that it has to be implemented right away. Raising taxes for the greater good, and only at a cent or two a person? The Bexar county region has one of the largest population gains in the country, at our growth rate and with new developing job opportunities {thanks to affordable living in the region}, an efficient mass transit system isn't just a nice idea, it's crucial for positive infrastructure. DART, in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area, is one of the best transit models in the region and if we achieved just a fraction of their accomplishments it would be deemed proactive. These Light Rails are enjoyable to ride, they have logical routes, reduce expenses, and give people more time to think or read while they're on route to their destination. Totally eliminating the stress and headaches of waking up every morning to dive into a wall of congestion and the insecurity from reckless driving. VIA is a joke of an inefficient bus system, these buses need to be rerouted effectively, it's almost as if they're illogical on purpose so that we're forced to drive. When you actually use an efficient transit system in another city, you wonder why San Antonio is so backwards? We have a larger population than Dallas, Boston, Seattle, Denver, and so forth- but all of these cities have Light Rail systems! Sprawl is damaging our ecosystem, threatening our aquifer, and putting strains on transportation costs. These just aren't privileges, these are rights we should demand.
"The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the 5th Amendment." - Kent v Dulles, 357 U.S. 116, 125.
"Undoubtedly the right of locomotion, the right to remove from one place to another according to inclination, is an attribute of personal Liberty, and the right, ordinarily, of free transit from or through the
territory of any State is a right secured by the l4th Amendment and by other provisions of the Constitution." - Schactman v Dulles, 96 App D.C. 287, 293.
A message I wrote on Jan 20th, 2009 [2:18PM]
I'm really grateful for the friends I've made and decided to keep. You all have really great ideas and beautiful ambitions, I'm talking about those of us who've been hanging out recently [namely everyone I can think of], it's refreshing to see the creativity alive and thriving within us, because the more that potential builds, the more it's reserved, the greater the expression.
Rough Road for Texas Lawmakers
MySA Article Link
Speaking with many community leaders here in San Antonio, it's very apparent and obvious that the majority of citizens want better public transportation. Austin and San Antonio are some of the largest cities in the U.S. without a light rail system. When Dallas/Ft. Worth had trouble getting approval for theirs, people were skeptical they wouldn't meet a return until many years later. In fact they had a return and started making a profit within the first week that the Rail system opened. A light rail system will generate a tremendous amount of revenue compared to "Troll" Roads. Rails are more convenient and they're more enjoyable to ride. It opens up a slew of possibilities to business by bringing citizens into sight of markets and useful adverts. The local VIA Bus system is not attractive whatsoever, I only rode it once in my life and that was just for fun. We don't need more roads, we need improved infrastructure. {Sensored stop lights, electronic buses, bike friendly roads, easier walking maneuverability in the city, logical bus routes, and most importantly a Light Rail system}
Speaking with many community leaders here in San Antonio, it's very apparent and obvious that the majority of citizens want better public transportation. Austin and San Antonio are some of the largest cities in the U.S. without a light rail system. When Dallas/Ft. Worth had trouble getting approval for theirs, people were skeptical they wouldn't meet a return until many years later. In fact they had a return and started making a profit within the first week that the Rail system opened. A light rail system will generate a tremendous amount of revenue compared to "Troll" Roads. Rails are more convenient and they're more enjoyable to ride. It opens up a slew of possibilities to business by bringing citizens into sight of markets and useful adverts. The local VIA Bus system is not attractive whatsoever, I only rode it once in my life and that was just for fun. We don't need more roads, we need improved infrastructure. {Sensored stop lights, electronic buses, bike friendly roads, easier walking maneuverability in the city, logical bus routes, and most importantly a Light Rail system}
Light Rail System,
San Antonio,
Congress Spending $20 Billion on Health Records
MySA Original Article
Isn't privacy still protected under HIPPA laws? My question is why is it going to take 20 Billion dollars to digitize this information. I used to work in Medical Records for a local hospital, but to say it's going to take billions of dollars to type data is daunting. Also being a multimedia specialist, it's pretty ridiculous and questions how this money's going to be spent, or just pocketed into big-pharma. It would make matters extremely easier if Physicians and Hospitals required users to fill out their data online, user-generated data on a secure site similar to the discrepancy you would trust from an online bank portal. For some patients, particularly the older generation, this is difficult so they could do things at the clinic. A lack of funding requires an increase in problem-solving and innovation. Money can't just be thrown around in the private interest because too much in the public sector is at stake and without funding for rightful services such as Emergency and Assistance agencies.
Isn't privacy still protected under HIPPA laws? My question is why is it going to take 20 Billion dollars to digitize this information. I used to work in Medical Records for a local hospital, but to say it's going to take billions of dollars to type data is daunting. Also being a multimedia specialist, it's pretty ridiculous and questions how this money's going to be spent, or just pocketed into big-pharma. It would make matters extremely easier if Physicians and Hospitals required users to fill out their data online, user-generated data on a secure site similar to the discrepancy you would trust from an online bank portal. For some patients, particularly the older generation, this is difficult so they could do things at the clinic. A lack of funding requires an increase in problem-solving and innovation. Money can't just be thrown around in the private interest because too much in the public sector is at stake and without funding for rightful services such as Emergency and Assistance agencies.
A love story:
Feature: Can PS3 Catch Up to Xbox 360?
Microsoft: Sony is 'Complacent' and 'Out of Touch' with Consumers
Kaz Hirai: 'No Way' Will Competition Have Higher Installed Base Than PS3
Sony Expecting Near $3 Billion Loss, SCE Underperforms
Pachter: Aaron Greenberg and Kaz Hirai Are Both Right
Report: Xbox Division Could Be Hit Hard by Microsoft Layoffs
Like all love stories, it ends in tragedy.
Feature: Can PS3 Catch Up to Xbox 360?
Microsoft: Sony is 'Complacent' and 'Out of Touch' with Consumers
Kaz Hirai: 'No Way' Will Competition Have Higher Installed Base Than PS3
Sony Expecting Near $3 Billion Loss, SCE Underperforms
Pachter: Aaron Greenberg and Kaz Hirai Are Both Right
Report: Xbox Division Could Be Hit Hard by Microsoft Layoffs
Like all love stories, it ends in tragedy.
Note: Moving Journal entries.
My little writings and daily dribbles from
my Journal called "Front" will be moved
to a separate blog to minimize confusion
and clutter on here.
Gaza Crisis Rant
Gaza- 1,284 Gazans were killed
4,336 wounded
(894 dead civilians)
Israel- 13 Israelis dead
(10 dead soldiers)
Now take a look at the situation, you have 1.5 million impoverished refugees (that's more than the latest Bexar County population of 1.3mil) huddled into a 224 sq mi area, (compared with Bexar County's 1,257 sq mi). With Israel putting constant pressure, destroying homes with bulldozers, cutting off humanitarian aid, food, and water. How would you not defend your home? Hamas is in a state of power because they promise to protect the Palestinian people, they're a sense of justice to the acts of indignity. This is one of the last lands of refuge they have, and big bad Israel is suffocating their domain.
Whether you're Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. Nowhere in anyone's scripture does it justify killing of the innocent and indifference to suffering. Judaism has a lot of commandments in the Mitzvot, but there are ones about "Love and Brotherhood" / "Poor and Unfortunate" that should be followed even in times of conflict.
"Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16)Not to cherish hatred in one's heart (Lev. 19:17)Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18)Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18)Not to afflict an orphan or a widow (Ex. 22:21)"* etc.
It violates human rights, International Law, and even ancient scripture. It's an insult to modern civilization and a disrespect to our forefathers for letting such atrocities continue unabridged.
If you look up the definition of a terrorist organization, by rights the CIA should be number one. (Look up: "CIA secret prisons") There are many political organizations, listed as terrorist organizations since they are threats to U.S. interests. The interest in this case would be Israel and its industrial and commercial trade. But there's no reason for bad business.
It starts to look more like genocide than retaliation. Who's going to hold Israeli leaders accountable to the international community? Did the world learn nothing from World War II? Did soldiers die in vain fighting fascism and injustice? Where's common sense and morality these days.
current events,
human rights,
Marsailles Likes #1
When your down, there's few, precious things you can do to level yourself out.
Interior Design?
Well, for some folks.
Binge eating?
Well, yeah. Of course.
But what I'm trying to get at is...flossing.
There's something comforting about the occasionally routine maintenance of that which usually gets neglected. Like dewebbing the corners of your home. Or reorganizing a spice rack. Or wiping after going #2.

Oh and that stingy, bloody, awesome sensation immediately after? What other mundane activity leaves your mouth so raw and your spirit so gratified?
Chewin' on a horseshoe?
I don't think so.
So get out there and stretch some sexy, waxy, lace between those pearly whites.
Interior Design?
Well, for some folks.
Binge eating?
Well, yeah. Of course.
But what I'm trying to get at is...flossing.
There's something comforting about the occasionally routine maintenance of that which usually gets neglected. Like dewebbing the corners of your home. Or reorganizing a spice rack. Or wiping after going #2.
Oh and that stingy, bloody, awesome sensation immediately after? What other mundane activity leaves your mouth so raw and your spirit so gratified?
Chewin' on a horseshoe?
I don't think so.
So get out there and stretch some sexy, waxy, lace between those pearly whites.
Jan 03, 2009
Saturday morning was particularly interesting. Dani offered to make me breakfast but she fell asleep, so I just head over to the Quarry to hang out with Isabel, whom delivered several items that had gone missing from my collection, thanks to the interest of Elysia (Isabel's older sis). Items include GTAIV for the Xbox360, the inspiring book "Blink" by Malcom Gladwell, and the most intriguing encyclopedia of signs and ideograms "Symbols". After having a chat with Isabel's dad about taking care of his lil baby, we walked around and had breakfast at Chili's. I splurged on two appetizers of Southwest Eggrolls while she didn't have a single bite. Afterwards we walked around Borders, which is a bad idea because I always want to take the books home with me, and in order to do that I have to hand over money. While there I was looking for the much acclaimed Jefferson Bible, in there are the majestic and humanistic words of Thomas Jefferson's rendition of the Holy Bible, without all the smoke and mirrors of course. Down to the basics of morality and the evident truths.
After killing an hour or two, next door was the theater where we got a last minute ticket of Day the Earth Stood Still. A lot of other things stood still that day, like my unresolving interest in Keanu Reeves. Constantine was pretty neat, hints of Matrix dejavu. But this was just silly. Just because it's Keanu Reeves does not mean it's okay to make him act like the character Neo but just in another film dimension. The original was a classic, yet this remake had way too much in common, in particular the cheesy lines and over the top with blaring special effects and little substance to the plot, reality, and immensity of the situation.
After killing an hour or two, next door was the theater where we got a last minute ticket of Day the Earth Stood Still. A lot of other things stood still that day, like my unresolving interest in Keanu Reeves. Constantine was pretty neat, hints of Matrix dejavu. But this was just silly. Just because it's Keanu Reeves does not mean it's okay to make him act like the character Neo but just in another film dimension. The original was a classic, yet this remake had way too much in common, in particular the cheesy lines and over the top with blaring special effects and little substance to the plot, reality, and immensity of the situation.
*PLOT SPOILER* The U.S. holds the Alien ambassador/scout prisoner while proving that we're all a bunch of idiots anyways who need to be wiped out in order to save Earth. It was touching when he said the Earth does not belong to us and we're threatening it's survival. Though with the characters, the little boy was a real pain in the ass, his role was entirely not necessary and seemed to be included in order to show not only family values, but how they're seriously deteroated in our generation. Instead of real discipline, he's spoiled to the brink of threatening humanity's survival. In all seriousness, even for a sci-fi movie, this was a bit bland and messily put together. We're in a film era of remakes because genuity has also declined in the rapid extortion of creativity. Yet we're going to reach an era of remakes of remakes in no time, because this kind of movie-making is more for budget-making than real entertainment. (hints of The Matrix, Godzilla, X-Files, Independence Day, and other ridiculous sci-fi spoofs in a big mashup)
To sum things up, this is why alternative and independent productions, mostly from smaller companies, are going to be showing real progress as we're transitioning into an age of the self publisher for the greater masses. Cutting out the middle men who reign control on the flow of creativity and information. That way we can get productions with higher quality and passion, in greater quantity.
Though on a positive note, there were some ideas that could've been explored more, which goes hand in hand with my own beliefs, the fact that nothing is never lost, only transformed into something new. Reincarnation in a various sense. The film had a lot of interesting views, which follows some neo-athiest type of understandings. Existentilism in a way. Also the fact that Earth is a precious resource not only to ourselves, but for other life out there in the Universe. We're a standing beacon of survival in a galaxy of dead planets. The universe is a big big place, and this is the only world we're going to have for a long time. We definitely need to get our act together without divine intervention from aliens.
Dignan represents the raw creativity that sometimes sparks in this region of the world. A muse for me and hopefully for others.
Dignan is playing SXSW
I'm posting one of my f avorite bands.
Dignan is playing SXSW
Jan 02, 2009
We start the day off early again. A venture to get the internet. D-Rod drives us to Time Warner where we purchased the 10Mmbs data plan. We parooze Azel's art store where we get an idea to make bamboo art tools from harvested "crop". Afterwards we grab some bread and honey turkey from Sun Harvest to make a small meal outside in the front of the market. A pretty girl passes us by and we make a fool of ourselves by trying not to be obvious looking at her. Anywho, we return back to the cabin to wait for the Time Warner contractor to come, supposedly between "now" and 9m which is a lot of time to kill.
He comes between 3-5pm and took awhile to complete (a whole hour). Beforehand I brought over spare magazines, my old PC "Tlahtoani", and other what nots. When the Warner guy is done I head to At&t to upgrade my phone (iPhone 3g!) I pay a past due bill to fulfill requirements playing around with the phone at the cabin, I wait for David and Marsailles, we fix Yve's Mom's infected PC with a fresh install of Windows XP Home Edition. Yet I can't find the serial that goes with the disc, so we end up heading out to Starbucks to keep Marsailles energized. On the way to HEB we witness a car accident in the middle of the road. We shop on $20 budget for groceries. What we find is a handful of ingredients to feast upon for the night.
low budget,
time warner
Firsts for all
Lacking the need to sleep. I traverse to the cabin for the first day of productivity in an extremely long time. DRod (David Rodriguez) and Marsailles are awake organizing the furniture and our future. They pick up items from Texas Thrift, when I arrive we hit up Starbucks for drinks. Organic Chocolate milk for me please. Afterwards we're in Home Depot for spare keys where the cooky sales clerk flirted with M. It should be noted that they (D&M) were looking for a costume chest yet the sales lady aggressively denied the purchase it due to a missing tag.
We grab some bites from the free samples available at the Showtime booths in the Alon Market HEB. The organic looked delicious.
Down the street we stop by Time Warner and Asels Art Store yet it's closed for New Years. We go to Sun Harvest instead to kill some time and embrace the smell of natural foods.
For a little celebration it's off to Samurai Sushi, our appetites were at peak looking at all the organic foods. Though we know fish has a lot of Mercury. The sacrifice was definitely worth it. Philly Roll, Alaskan Roll, Spider, and Samurai roll.
Fine dined, we head over to OP Schnabel park in serach of the bamboo forest. Inspired, we take samples of bamboo with us to the cabin to grow some plants.
After lounging a bit we all depart on an accomplished day and fulfilled night.
For me that includes hours of gaming Total War: Medieval II, and a full night's rest.
We grab some bites from the free samples available at the Showtime booths in the Alon Market HEB. The organic looked delicious.
Down the street we stop by Time Warner and Asels Art Store yet it's closed for New Years. We go to Sun Harvest instead to kill some time and embrace the smell of natural foods.
For a little celebration it's off to Samurai Sushi, our appetites were at peak looking at all the organic foods. Though we know fish has a lot of Mercury. The sacrifice was definitely worth it. Philly Roll, Alaskan Roll, Spider, and Samurai roll.
Fine dined, we head over to OP Schnabel park in serach of the bamboo forest. Inspired, we take samples of bamboo with us to the cabin to grow some plants.
After lounging a bit we all depart on an accomplished day and fulfilled night.
For me that includes hours of gaming Total War: Medieval II, and a full night's rest.
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